Wednesday, June 16, 2010


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Seashell, down by the seashore.
(Found, not sold by Sally)
Lately I've been doing a LOT of work on my website, hopefully it shows. Some of the recent improvements include:

  • The "Buy" button is back! Now you can enjoy beautiful prints in your home without all the hassle of visiting local galleries.
  • There's a new "Share" button. Now when you find a photo you like, not only can you leave a comment and vote it into my popular photos, but you can now share it with friends. In just about any way you can imagine! Send an email, get a link to post it right on your own blog, Be Social and share it on Facebook or add it to a Social Bookmarking site like Digg.
  • Hand in hand with the sharing, I've got a new watermark on my photos, as seen in the nice seashell photo here on the right. The problem with sharing is that once a photo is off my site, it's completely out of my hands and in the Wild Wild West of the Internet, there are those unscrupulous folks who would try take a photo and sell it as their own. The watermark won't completely solve the problem, but at least it gives me a little piece of mind.
  • There's a new logo and navbar just to make the site a little sleeker and snazzier (that's right, "snazzier").
  • Print Packages are now available. Currently there are 2 available for metal prints (printed right on metal!) with a couple more coming soon.
  • And a few other, behind the scenes type changes.
I've still got a couple notebook pages (the small, pocket sized variety) filled with items that I would still like to make happen, but for now, I'm calling it DONE! The problem is, I've been so focused on making these changes and making the website look good, I haven't taken my camera out in nearly 2 months! It's incredibly hard to tackle both the creative aspect of taking and processing the photos and the technical side of website coding and management. So for the foreseeable future, the website is done for all intents and purposed (not including new photo postings) and I'll be spending my time enjoying the outdoors with my camera. And there's no better time to start than tomorrow, with a low tide just 20 minutes after sunset and a predicted 25% cloud cover for (hopefully) just the right amount of clouds to pick up the colors.

In the meantime, I encourage you to take a look around the website, take advantage of the new offerings and if you're so inclined to support my photo habit, take 25% off the price of all prints! Just enter SupportMyHabit when you check out! (Hurry offer end July 31st, 2010!)