Monday, September 27, 2010

Morning Reflections

Morning Reflections
And it's once again been another month since I last posted an update with a new photo. We're still suffering from less than ideal conditions for photography here in San Diego so I haven't gotten out much. In fact, not at all since I took the last image just over a month ago.

I'm also trying to wrap my head around a few things concerning my site. Chief among them is image sizing. My camera outputs images in a 2x3 ratio, a "standard" size for most cameras. But somehow, this isn't a standard ratio for frames and mattes. Scott Kelby (a Photoshop & general photography guru) wrote about it not long ago on his blog, here & here, and I've had some complaints from customers that they couldn't find frames to fit the prints I had available (sorry Mom!). Anyway, since most of my images are in the 2x3 ratio (8x12) and frames come in 2x2.5 ratios (8x10) it's a massive undertaking to overhaul all my images to fit what is best, and easiest, for customers. I'm still in the "thinking" process trying to figure out how best to deal with it, but in the meantime if you're looking for prints, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions you have about sizing.

To get back on topic, the nice thing about not getting out to take photos regularly is that I've had some time to go back through my archive and find some really nice images that just got "left behind" when I was shooting more than I could process. It's easy to lose track, especially on a weekend where every sunrise and sunset has near perfect predicted conditions. That's what happened to this image, taken at Lake Hodges. That particular weekend, back in December of 2009, had near perfect sunrises and sunsets and it seems that I never got around to fully exploring my images from Saturday's sunrise. In fact, I only processed one image from that morning and there are a lot more from that morning that deserve some attention.

Stay tuned for some more "forgotten" images as I work my way through my archive!